有了旧金山信用合作社的Visa®经典担保卡,您可以得到更多. 你不用付年费就能获得很高的利率,而且在日常消费时还能建立信用.

十大彩票游戏平台的Visa®经典安全卡与其他信用卡一样,享有许多相同的优惠, including:

Competitive Interest Rate

9.99% APR*

No Annual Fee

Never pay an annual fee for having our card.

25-Day Grace Period

No interest charged for 25 days on purchases.*

Pay Using Mobile Wallet

ApplePay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay compatible

Visa Classic Secured Card Rates

Visa Classic  Secured Card9.99% APR*
(based on Prime)
NoneSomeone who wants to build or rebuild their credit.

Visa Classic Secured Card FAQs

How does a secured credit card work?

你在开户时就建立了一个有担保的信用卡账户,并存入了一定的存款. 每个月当你做出改变并还清你的余额时,你的信用开始改善. 如果发生了什么事情,你不能付款,你的押金将用于支付你的付款.

Is this card compatible with digital or mobile wallets?

Yes! Using your card should be convenient, and it is with our Visa® cards. They are all ApplePay, Android Pay, and Samsung Pay compatible.


Our cards are equipped with protective features to keep your financial life running smoothly. You will enjoy all of the protection offered by Visa®, including travel protection and emergency assistance. We also offer loan protection 以及为意外生活事件或开支提供经济困难援助.

Is there an annual fee with this card?

No. We don’t think you should have to pay to use our credit cards. So we never charge the kind of fees that the big banks often charge.

How long does it take to build credit with a secured card?

你的新账户通常需要30-45天才能报告给信用机构. From there, 每个月你都按时还清你的信用卡余额(和其他账单), too), your credit builds.

Other San Francisco Credit Union  Visa Credit Cards

Visa Platinum credit card

Visa Platinum Rewards Card

享受十大彩票游戏平台最优惠的价格,并赚取1%的现金返现 Platinum Rewards Card. You’ll also never pay annual fees to use the card.

Visa Student Platinum credit card

Visa Student Platinum Rewards Card                                    

Being a student has its benefits. With no annual fee and cash back for every dollar you spend, this is the only card you’ll need through high school and college.

Member Reviews

*APR=1Annual Percentage Rates. For all loans, 实际年利率是在作出信贷决定时确定的,可能高于最低可用利率. 信用记录、贷款期限和借款金额都是决定利率的因素. Not all borrowers will qualify for the lowest rate. 从来没有任何提前偿还贷款的罚款. All loans are subject to credit approval. As of the date of this disclosure, the Prime Rate is 3.25%.

**旧金山联邦信用社VISA®白金奖励条款和条件:使用您的旧金山联邦信用社VISA®白金奖励信用卡购物可获得奖励(也称为“回扣”). 在世界各地接受Visa®支付的地点购物,可获得百分之一的奖励, up to $500 per year. 所有获得的奖励将反映在您的季度账单中,并将在每年的5月31日通过将奖励作为存款应用到您的定期股票账户中自动兑换. Your rewards will not expire. Purchases returned for credit do not earn a reward, 如果购买的商品被退回或信用调整被发出,你的余额将被调整. 为了赚取和兑换奖励,您的帐户必须保持开放状态,并且在任何卡协议下不得违约. 奖励不能从现金预支、余额转账、费用、贷款余额或财务费用中获得. All rewards that have been accumulated, but have not yet been paid, 将于您的旧金山联邦信用联社Visa®白金帐户终止时到期, whether terminated by you or us. 对于联名账户持有人和/或账户持有人与授权用户之间的与奖励相关的纠纷,十大彩票游戏平台概不负责. Excludes Visa® Classic card. Must be at least 18 years old to apply.

No interest charge for 25 days on purchases only. 现金预支和余额转账的利息从交易日期开始计算.

从开户之日起的前60天内,任何余额转账都不收取任何费用. 任何在60天之后转到您账户的余额将被收取转帐金额的1%. Excludes Visa® Secured.


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